會員相關問題---FAQs about Membership

Q1. 如何成為Teepop網路商店的會員呢?

您可先將欲購買的商品放進購物車開始結帳並選擇付款方式後,頁面即會顯示「第一次購物」按此輸入基本資料即可完成購物,並填妥您的訂購人資訊,確定送出!訂單成立後,系統將會自動為您加入會員。 或者您可直接連結『成為會員』,輸入基本的連絡資料加入會員。

Q1. How to create an account at Teepop shopping website?

You can simply add the products to shopping cart and start checkout procedure, after choosing the payment method, please click on “first-time shopping” button and key in relative information to complete the order. The system will create an account for you automatically. Or you also can access to “create an account” button directly from “log in” page.

Q2. 如何修改個人資料及密碼?


Q2. How to change personal information and password?

Please click on “log in” button, and key in your e-mail account & password. Then, click “Edit account information” button to start changing.

Q3. 忘了密碼,應如何查詢?


Q3. How to check my password if I forgot it?

Please click on “forgot your password?” button below the “log in “page. After keying in the e-mail, system will send the original password automatically to your mail box.

Q4. 訂閱及取消電子報


Q4. How to subscribe or unsubscribe the promotional e-mails from Teepop?

Click on “log in” button and enter the account page with your e-mail and password; then check or uncheck “I’d like to receive the promotional e-mail” button according to your demand.

Q5. 常收不到訂單確認信、商品到貨通知信、會員電子報?


Q5.I can’t receive the confirmation mail, arrival notification and promotional mail. Why?

Some free mail boxes (ex: Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail and etc.) block e-mails due to special setting, limited capacity or other reasons. Please change following settings according to different mail system.

*Gmail 信箱的處理方法
我們的信函有可能是被收件端誤判為垃圾信。您可以先到「垃圾郵件」的位置檢查,若發現「Teepop報」或是相關通知信在裡面時,請您在信件「回覆」的位置,選擇「新增 Teepop報 至通訊錄」。請記得,所有的相關通知信也都要加入才可以喔,這樣下次信件就不會被丟進垃圾桶了。
* Setting steps for Gmail mailbox
It’s possible that mails from Teepop are classified as spams by system. Please check the spam box first, clicking on “reply” button for our mail and add Teepop into your address book to receive our mails successfully in the future.

*Yahoo 信箱的處理方法

1.在yahoo 電子信箱內,選擇「垃圾信件匣」,開啟被誤判為垃圾信件的Teepop電子報、通知信件中,按一下「這不是垃圾信」。
2.選 擇寄件者最後方的「加入通訊錄」按鈕。
* Setting steps for Yahoo mailbox
1. Please enter spam box and open the mail from Teepop which was classified as spam by system, clicking on “Not spam” button to remove it from spam classification and move back to inbox.
2. Choose “Add to contacts” function on sender’s title.

*Hotmail 信箱的處理方法
1.在hotmail 電子信箱,選擇「垃圾信件匣」,勾選被誤判為垃圾信件的Teepop電子報、通知信件,在下拉選單「置於資料夾」,將信件放回「收件匣」。
3.把「 Teepop報」或是Teepop通知信的寄件者,新增到自己的「通訊錄」中。
* Setting steps for Hotmail mailbox
1. Please enter junk Email and check the mail from Teepop which was classified as spam by system, clicking on “Archive my messages in inbox” in the list of archive.
2. Open the mail from Teepop and clicking on “Mark as not junk” behind the sender’s title.
3. Choose “Add to contacts” function on sender’s title.


* Firewall or Spam blocker
Please contact MIS and notify him/her this situation, or set Teepop sender’s title as “white list” and “not junk mail” as the warning window pops up.